
Thursday, July 19, 2007

SEO Myths - What Does SEO Really Do?

Now I don't intend to answer the question in detail, but some people do wonder what hocus pocus an SEO professional does when he claims to be optimizing the site, and when they post this question, some "pseudo experts" spring up and say "nothing much, they just add tags and get a bunch of links and take your entire advertising budget." Some SEO professionals don't help because they get mysterious and go cloak-and-dagger about the whole thing. That's pretty absurd when everybody over here at SEO Chat is willing to blab SEO state secrets. Obviously some people think if you tell the client what you do, they would do it themselves. I sometimes wish it was that easy.

I addressed this question first because it is the foundation of all SEO myths. It comes from the idea that "SEO is easy, just submit your site to so and so directory and so and so search engine and you are on a roll." Do-it-yourself SEO gets its processes crossed. Now I use the term "professional" loosely, but let's just say a professional really has the knowledge and skill to get high rankings in specified key words. The idea that an SEO professional is not needed, and that by doing A, B and C you can reduce costs and optimize your site, is the root of SEO myths. We will come back to common myths that exist about SEO professionals (although some have been discussed in previous articles on SEO professionals).

Search Engine Optimization Can Be Done By Anybody

Now the fact is you can optimize your site yourself, and it's not very hard, depending on your key words and competition, but hopefully with this article you won't be presumptuous in your efforts to get that top ranking for your site. Yes, "anybody" can do SEO; interestingly enough, stay-at-home moms seem ideally suited for the work since they have time and write great copy. Like everything else in life, however, it's not as easy as the pros make it look.

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